๐Ÿค” Have you seen these letters? - [Solved]

Moohoo everyone!

First of all, a big, big sorry for the long radio silence here.

We have not forgotten the blog here and will also fill this again with content, probably once a month as a summary of what has happened with the updates, which now (actually) come more spontaneously and more often and with more innovations instead of “ONLY” bug fixes, etc..

But in this blogpost we would like to draw your attention to a mysterious thing:

Have you noticed these letters on Twitter from us yet?

For all of you who DON’T have Twitter (and don’t want to) here’s the short summary:

We’ve been posting (mostly) two letters a day for just under 2 weeks with no real context.

Today (as of March 28th 2023) all letters are known:

LD - GH - Q2 - IS - CO - TLY - AP - TO - NI - 20 - 23 - NG - MI

However, you should notice that they are not really sorted.

And that’s where you come in!

Sort the letters into the right order and you’ll get a nice surprise for many of you.

This is something that many have been waiting for for a long time.

You have time for your musings until 31.03.2023 until we will announce the solution on Twitter and here for all.

If you think you know the solution, feel free to send us an email:

community@mailcow.email with the subject: Letters Mystery March 2023 - Solution

or write us on Twitter @mailcow_email with the solution you came up with!

We’re exited to hear your solutions!

Your mailcow team

Niklas or DerLinkman
