🌟 Important News on the Continued Development of mailcow

Dear mailcow Community,

mailcow continues to enjoy increasing popularity, and we are, of course, delighted by this.

To continue delivering the necessary quality in the project and always meet the community’s expectations, we have adjusted and extended our update intervals accordingly. This allows us to maintain the high quality of updates for bug and feature requests.

Going forward, we will tie the update intervals to the significance of the scope of the requests. Security fixes will remain an exception and will continue to be released as quickly as possible to ensure the security and stability of your installations.

Another important point we want to address is the development of the LDAP feature. Due to the mentioned change in priorities, the completion of this feature has been delayed. We understand that this may be disappointing for some of you and ask for your understanding. We are still working to complete this feature as soon as possible.

We thank you for your understanding and continued support for mailcow. We look forward to continuing to shape and advance this project together with you.


The mailcow Team of The Infrastructure Company GmbH
